The procedure to install and configure VNC server on Ubuntu Linux is as follows: How to install and configure TigerVNC server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

All you need is out of band management with an embedded VNC server in BMC. One can control Linux server or desktop when networking service is down. Access remote Linux desktop stored in the cloud-based system.Access files from home computer or work computer stored on a remote server.You must install TigerVNC server on Ubuntu server. Sample setup for installation of VNC server on UbuntuĪ VNC server located at shares a desktop with other client computers or mobile devices over the Internet or LAN. This page shows how to install and configure TigerVNC on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04 LTS Linux based system to get access to full Gnome 3 desktop. Some typical examples are TigerVNC, TightVNC, Vino (default for Gnome desktop), x11vnc, krfb (default for KDE desktop), vnc4server and more. There are many implementations of the VNC protocol for Linux or Unix like systems. One can use VNC to control or access Linux based desktop remotely.

It is nothing but a Linux desktop sharing system or set of protocols for sharing desktop. Introduction: VNC is an acronym for Virtual Network Computing. How do I install and configure TigerVNC server on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 for remote desktop access? How to enable Remote Desktop connection between two Ubuntu Linux systems (server and client) to access GUI? How to configure Virtual Network Computing (VNC) in Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS or 18.10 or 20.04/22.04 LTS server?