What to Do When the “Startup Disk Is Full” Notification Pops Up.

If you’re looking for helpful tips to speed up the performance of your Mac, read Why Is My Mac Running Slow? 5 Quick Tips to Speed Up Your Mac! Note: this article covers how to free up extra space on your startup disk within macOS®. While writing this piece, I saved a whopping 57.84 GB of data took time, patience, and help from Parallels Toolbox utilities for Mac. Don’t worry, there is a version of Parallels Toolbox for Windows, too! However, I want to dive right into my powerful tips to help you clear space on your Mac without spending hundreds of dollars or wasting your most valuable resource: time. Seeing this startup disk notification on your MacBook® or iMac® can be alarming and worrisome-but never fear, there are plenty of options for users to try and free up space on your Mac hard drive. This notification indicates a lack of free storage on your Mac hard drive. Please delete some files.” The scary notification looks very similar to this: Mac® users everywhere dive into panic mode when that dreaded warning pops up: “Your startup disk is almost full.